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100% Commission Real Estate San Benito County California
San Benito County is one of the 58 counties of the state of California, in the United States. The county seat and largest city is Hollister. In 2010, population of San Benito County was 55,269.
Looking for a real estate career in California, you’ve come
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commission real estate plan that allows you to earn one
hundred percent on all real estate transactions.
San Benito County was created in 1874 from parts of
Monterey County. The Spanish Franciscan Juan Crespí,
who traveled extensively from 1769 to 1772 and was the
first European to describe, named a river San Benedicto
(today's San Benito). This gave the county its name.
According to the Census Bureau, San Benito County has
a total area of 3,600 km², of which 3,600 km² is land and 4.7
km² (0.1%) is water.
San Benito County is located in the hinterland of the California coast chain, near its western border runs the full length of the San Andreas Fault. Notable villages are located only in the extreme north, which is closest to the Pacific coast and now belongs to the catchment area of the Bay Area around San Francisco. In San Juan Bautista is the historic Spanish Mission San Juan Bautista, located on the western border of the counties in the Gabilan Mountains of the Pinnacles National Park , a protected area of the Federation of particular importance for birds of prey.
San Benito County is bordered to the north by Santa Clara County and Santa Cruz County, to the east by Fresno County and by the Merced County and to the south and the west by the Monterey County.
Cities our 100% Commission online California real estate brokerage serves:
100% Commission Aromas | 100% Commission Hollister | 100% Commission Ridgemark | 100% Commission San Juan Bautista