Online Flat Fee Tennessee Real Estate Referral Brokerage Company

No more
association fees

paying association
Join NOW and stop
fees TODAY !
Tennessee's Premier
Association Free
Real Estate Brokerage

How does a real estate License Parking brokerage like CURB work ?

CURB is a real estate brokerage / license holding company and referral
system specifically catering to realtors who want to maintain their license
with the Tennessee Real Estate Commission (TREC) but do not want to
participate in or pay for any real estate boards.
One of the big misconceptions of this industry is that agents have been led
to believe they must become a Realtor® in order to engage in the buying
and selling of real estate. This is not true. You can still work in the usual
fashion with your clients, and not be required to become a Realtor member
of the National Association of Realtors.
CURB offers a huge money saving option called the "Real Estate License Parking” program, designed for agents that don’t need or are fed up with paying the ever-rising fees that are associated with joining the Board, Association and MLS. This program is also designed for those agents who work with referrals, process non-residential / commercial property transactions and sell their own personal properties.
Avoid paying Board, MLS or Association dues / fees for services that you no longer need or want. Join the Real Estate License Parking program today.
Perfect for:
• Part-time agents
• Commercial agents
• Agents that are taking a break from the business
• Agents that want to wind down, but do not want to give up their license
• Agents that are non-active in day-to-day selling activity
• Licensed agents that sell their own personal properties
Who is CURB Realty ?
CURB is not a large faceless corporation in a big building with no windows and a shiny website. We are a friendly, family owned company that includes myself and my wife Daniela.
CURB Realty is a faith based company. In fact, buying & selling real estate can be found in the Bible in Genesis 33:19; "He bought the piece of land where he had pitched his tent .." What better to build the foundation of a company on ?
We are excited to have you join our company and look forward to working with you in helping make your financial dreams come true for you and your family !